Brassy to Classy: How Soon Can I Use Purple Shampoo After Toning?

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Written By Sophia Davis

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Toners are excellent hair products that can elevate your hair color to a professional salon-quality standard. While they don’t directly modify your hair’s primary color like hair dyes or bleach powders do, they can adjust the undertones in your hair.

Navigating the colorful world of hair toners and shampoos can be a bit overwhelming. Especially when you’ve taken the plunge to a new hair color and are now wondering how soon you can introduce the magic of purple shampoo.

Let’s delve into the shimmering depths of hair care and unravel this mystery!

Can I Use Purple Shampoo After Toning?

Absolutely! Certainly, purple shampoo is often used after toner, especially when striving to maintain those radiant blonde hair shades. 

Once you use a toner, it’s usually beneficial to wait a day or two before you shampoo your hair with purple shampoo to ensure the toner has thoroughly set.

This shampooing routine ensures that any brassiness the toner didn’t catch is neutralized, keeping your hair looking cooler for longer.

For those with dry hair, it’s essential to ensure that the purple shampoo is paired with a hydrating product or use a hair mask to keep your hair moisturized and healthy.

What is the Right Way to Use Purple Shampoo – Before or After Toner? 

Navigating the sequence of hair treatments can be a bit tricky. When it comes to purple shampoo and toner, it’s best to use purple shampoo after applying the toner.

The reason why is that once you’ve toned your hair, the cuticle of the hair opens up, making it more receptive to the purple pigments in the shampoo.

The toner works to correct the overall shade and undertones of your hair, laying a foundation for the hue you desire.

Once the toner has done its job, the specialized shampoo steps in to address any lingering yellow or brassy undertones, refining the hair’s color and ensuring longer-lasting results. 

Using the shampoo before toner might hinder the effect of the toner, as the shampoo’s violet pigments could counteract or alter the toner’s intended shade.

Can I Use Purple Shampoo As A Hair Toner?

While purple shampoo, like blue shampoo, is not a toner in the traditional sense, it acts as a toning shampoo, working to neutralize brassy yellow and orange tones in blonde or silver hair.

The purple pigments in the shampoo deposit onto the hair and counteract the warm tones, leaving hair with a cooler, more refreshed hue. 

For those with light hair color, washing your hair with purple shampoo works as an interim solution between toner applications to keep hair looking vibrant.

However, it’s essential to remember that while purple toning shampoo offers temporary effects, it doesn’t replace the more profound, longer-lasting effects of the right toner.

Does Toner Buildup on Hair?

Indeed, over time and with frequent use, toner residue can accumulate on the hair. This buildup is because toners, much like hair dye, deposit particles onto the hair strands to achieve the desired color correction.

If not thoroughly rinsed or if used excessively, the toner residue can weigh down the hair or make it feel coated. It’s crucial, after applying toner to your hair, to thoroughly rinse your hair with lukewarm water to ensure all excess product is washed away.

While both toner and hair dye serve to adjust hair color, they have distinct purposes.

It’s essential to find and use the right toner and be aware of the potential for buildup to keep your locks feeling fresh and light.

When is it Time to Start Using Purple Shampoo?

It’s time to start using such a product when you begin to notice that your lightened hair develops brassy or yellow undertones

The purple shampoo will work on your hair by depositing violet pigments that neutralize these unwanted tones. Ideally, you should let your hair color develop after bleaching or dying your hair before introducing purple shampoo to your routine. 

By observing how the color evolves and allowing the hair to develop its new shade, you can ensure the shampoo is applied at the most effective stage to maintain that fresh, salon-quality look.

How Long Should You Wait To Use Purple Shampoo After Bleaching?

Bleaching is a rigorous process that opens up the hair cuticles to strip the color. After bleaching, your hair is more porous and sensitive. It’s generally recommended to wait at least 48 hours after bleaching a layer of your hair before using such shampoo. 

This waiting period allows the hair cuticle to close and restores a bit of its natural oils, making it less susceptible to drying out from the shampoo.

However, considering that every individual’s hair texture and condition vary, it’s wise to consult with a hair professional or closely follow product recommendations.

It’s always best to start with a small patch and monitor your hair’s reaction before treating the rest of your hair.

Can I Use Purple Shampoo Every Day?

While you can use purple shampoo as part of your regular hair care routine, daily use might not be advisable for everyone.

Using such shampoo every day could lead to an over-deposit of purple dye particles inside your hair fiber, leaving it with an overly ashy or purple tint.

Additionally, some purple products can have a drying effect on your hair. Frequent and excessive use might strip your hair of its natural oils and deprive your hair of essential moisture.

It’s best to use this type of toning shampoo 1-3 times a week to avoid causing damage to your hair.

Also, it’s always recommended to use a hair mask or conditioner post-shampoo to nourish your hair and keep it hydrated.

Pros and Cons of Using Purple Shampoo After Toning

Shampooing your hair after toning can make a difference in how your hair color evolves, particularly in the undertones it adopts after you lighten your hair.

Here are the positive effects 


Enhanced Toning

Purple shampoo after toning enhances and prolongs the cooler tones of your hair.


Applying toner at home and using the right purple shampoo after that can be a cost-effective solution to frequently visiting the salon.

Maintaining the color of your hair

This type of shampoo helps in maintaining a consistent hair color between salon visits.


When using such shampoos, there are also some potential pitfalls.

Risk of Overuse

Over-relying on or overusing purple shampoo can sometimes lead to purple hair, or overly tinted and ashy hair.

Potential Drying Effect

Some purple shampoos can dry out your hair, so it’s recommended to use a moisturizing shampoo or conditioner alongside.

It’s essential to follow product directions carefully and consider your hair’s unique needs.

Can I Use a Conditioner After Toning?

Yes, you can and should use a conditioner after toning. Toning often involves chemicals that can be drying or stressful to the hair.

Using a conditioner post-toning helps to close the hair cuticles, lock in the toner, and add moisture back to the hair. 

It’s especially beneficial if you have bleached hair, as these processes can leave hair particularly parched. 

A good conditioner or even a deep-conditioning mask can help restore hydration, smoothness, and shine to dyed hair, ensuring that your locks look healthy and vibrant.

Final Thoughts on using Shampoo after Toner

From brassy to classy, the journey of hair toning and shampooing is indeed a fascinating one. Purple shampoo is an excellent ally in maintaining the vibrancy and desired shade of your hair.

Remember, like all hair treatments, it’s about finding the balance and routine that works best for your specific needs.

Happy toning and shampooing!

FAQs about using toner and using shampoo and conditioner on toned hair

How soon after coloring hair can you use purple shampoo?

It’s best to wait at least 48 hours after you have dyed your hair before using purple shampoo to allow the color to settle and to avoid over-processing.

Can I use purple shampoo on just toned hair?

Purple shampoo can be used on recently toned hair to help maintain and enhance the cooler tones, but shampooing right after toning is not the best idea. It is advisable to wait 48 hours after toning to use it.

When can you wash your hair after using a toner?

It’s recommended to wait at least 48 hours after toner has been applied before washing your hair to allow the toner in your hair to fully set in and achieve the desired result.

Can I wash out the toner with purple shampoo?

Purple shampoo isn’t designed to wash out toner. Instead, it helps neutralize brassy undertones in light hair and counteract orange tones in color-treated hair. Using it after toning can complement and maintain the cool tones of your toner.

Does purple shampoo strip toner?

No, purple shampoo does not remove toner. Its purpose is to counteract unwanted warm hues in blonde or silver hair, enhancing and prolonging the effects of your toner.